Your RPG setting of the Week! – Wes Anderson films

In “Your RPG setting of the week,” we will examine RPG settings that either have the possibility of being cool or the possibility of being the worst idea ever; clearly, it depends on your perspective. Some might be wild, fun scenarios, and others are merely playable fanfiction. Submissions are absolutely welcome, so send in your own RPG setting of the week!

Wes Anderson films are amazing, but what would it be like if all of his films were together in one setting for one campaign? Here’s what it might look like.

Set-up: Everyone says that Steve Zissou is washed up. He needs a hit film in order to continue making films, so everything is on the line. Funded by the Tennenbaum Foundation, Zissou will take his film team to investigate rumors of militant wild life. With a team of . . . um . . . the best of the best (?) Zissou and his crew are off to make film history or die trying.


Dignan – (Bottle Rocket) fresh out of prison, Dignan has joined the Zissou team after lying on his resume and claiming that he used to be a cameraman for a local news station. Dignan is untrustworthy and is secretly plotting to sell some expensive equipment he picks up from working for Zissou.

Max Fischer – (Rushmore) New intern Max Fischer was once the president of the Zissou Society at his former school of Rushmore. Fischer has a lot of spunk and intelligence, but usually, his plans don’t work out quite right. Also, he isn’t sure why, but he feels like Zissou has betrayed him somehow.

Richie Tennenbaum – (Royal Tennenbaums) Stepping up so that he can assert his authority in the family, Richie decides to follow along with Team Zissou. With his army of trained birds at his disposal, Richie is a formidable opponent. Also, he is somewhat suicidal and depressed.

Francis Whitman– (Darjeeling Limited) Also suicidal and depressed, Whitman and Tennenbaum met during a group therapy session and the two of them lean on one another to ensure nothing bad happens to one another.


Mr. Fox – Fed up with mankind, the Fantastic Mr. Fox has gone rabid and declared war on civilization.

Suggestions for running the game

Call of Cthulhu could be an excellent system especially since there are stats for animals already implimented into the game. Tweak the game a bit so that instead of sanity points, you could have “happiness” points. If you lose a fifth of your happiness, then you try to harm yourself in some way. 0 Happiness is full blown depression.

Like this idea? Hate it more than a Joel Schumacher film festival? Have any ideas for other RPG settings of the week? Then comment and tell me how you feel! If you decide to run the game, record it and I’ll put it up on the site!

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3 Responses to Your RPG setting of the Week! – Wes Anderson films

  1. Joven says:

    Hmm, out of all of those I seem to have only seen Life Aquatic, possibly Rushmore but I can’t remember. I should make a big list of the iconic movies that I haven’t seen and make an effort to see them.

    I’m pretty sure its a big ass list, I only watched Casablanca when the rifftrax came out for it, and only saw ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest’ today, after the second time I listened to the Sucrose Park AP made me want to look up “nurse ratchet” (which google decided was close enough) and put it in my netflix queue.

  2. Christina says:

    Mr. Fox is the villain? I guess he probably is the best choice, unless you were to cheat and choose Mr. Henry (Bottle Rocket) as the villain. Great post!

  3. admin says:

    Joven – All of Wes Anderson’s films are great. Many would disagree with me, but many would be wrong.

    Christina – I thought Mr. Fox would work because I like the idea that he has gone rabid. Also, he seemed like a natural villain choice simply because he was battling humanity in his own film. If I was really ambitious, however, I would have Mr. Henry, Mr. Fox and the shark from Life Aquatic team up for an evil league of evil.


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