Yeah, it’s the clip show equivalent for Popgun Chaos

REALLY old picture from Myspace

Before I get started, please check out and donate to the RPPR Ransom for the Ruins of Lemuria. I’m writing for it, but even if I wasn’t, you should support Ross Payton and RPPR. If you’d like to see what you would be donating to, here are links to past things we’ve worked on:

New World Primer

Goblin Hulk

Codex of War

And now, back to your regularly scheduled Popgun Chaos article.

It’s Thanksgiving, and I have a feeling that no one is going to visit the site today because everyone will be too busy with things that are more important, so instead of writing an article that no one will see, I have decided to post links to my favorite articles up to this point. So, if you have some extra time today and you haven’t read these articles, be sure to check them out and if you have read them, read them again or read the comments or post a new comment.

Everything old is new again today at Popgun Chao$!

Rosebuds and Grim Reapers – My very first article is still frequently the most visited and searched for on the internet. It’s the article that really inspired me to start Popgun Chaos because Henderson State University was supposed to have a Batman conference and I was supposed to present, but it all fell apart. After all the work I put into this article, I knew I had to display it somewhere and Popgun Chaos was born.

One Thousand Cats and Hipsters – Many people tell me this is my best article and it really makes me happy. It caused a bit of controversy too, so I’m proud of it.

TMNT Personality Test - I love the premise of making an exceptionally easy personality test. “Who is your favorite ninja turtle? Then that’s your personality!” The logic of illogic is beautiful to me.

Five Questions with Greg Sestero – Interviewing China Mieville, Bart Sears, Mark Waid, and Jim Beard were all really cool conversations, but my interview with Greg Sestero is still my favorite because it’s just so ridiculous. Also, I put a lot of work into trying to transcribe my broken tape and considering how little recognition it received, I was a little upset.

Searching for Neil Gaiman – I love this story because it empowered me and made me realize that with enough moxie and motivation, I can do anything.

That’s enough reflection for today. I know that Popgun Chaos is only three months old, technically, but I don’t think it’s too early to go back and look at some of my favorite articles especially now that we have more readers.

Did I forget one of your favorites? Let me know in the comments!

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2 Responses to Yeah, it’s the clip show equivalent for Popgun Chaos

  1. It’s nice to take a step back and think about our writing. With me, I am often too busy thinking to tomorrow to remember yesterday.
    Happy thanksgiving, man.

  2. Cathartic Lobster says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you as well, Kevin!

    I love going back over old writing because it makes me think, “did I write that? That’s such a great line.” Conversely, when looking back over my “Being John Malkovich” paper, I think, “Yeah, you can tell I wrote this 5 years ago.”

    I just get really nostalgic at times.


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