New Wave Soldiers – the adaptation

Waaaaay back on December 1, 2010, I wrote a short story for a novel about pop culture terrorism. I thought it was a pretty good little prologue – something that felt like a cold open to an X-Files episode. But then, I didn’t do anything with it. I had the idea fleshed out in my head, but never really had more to do with it.

Then, my friend Nate Peters contacted me about wanting to do a collaboration and we decided to turn my novel into a comic book instead. Thus, The New Wave Soldiers was born.

Over the next few years, we would work on it and stop. Now, we’ve got enough material that it’s worth sharing over the next few weeks. And I hope Nate will continue working on it with me so we can actually turn this into a real comic at some point.

These four pages are Nate’s adaptation of the short story I wrote. I hope you enjoy them. 

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