Coming Soon! Nemo at Thirty

A few years ago, my childhood friend Elaine Johnson and I decided that we wanted to collaborate on a project together. We tossed a few things around and finally settled on a story about a grown up Nemo from Little Nemo. I wrote a few things. She sketched a few things. And nothing came of it for one reason or another.

Now, with the explosion of different Little Nemo projects out there, we’ve decided to get all of this together and finally put out a Nemo web comic.

I hope this doesn’t come off as an attempt to cash in on Nemomania, because it’s not. We had these ideas awhile back and then LIFE happened and stopped us. Then, as Elaine was getting to work on the strip, Alan Moore announces a project that’s just like ours. Great minds think alike.

Or, in the case of Alan Moore and myself, “great minds sometimes research public domain characters.”

I hope you enjoy our project in the weeks to come and I hope you’ll judge it on its own merits rather than as a comparison to all the other Nemo stuff that’s out there at the moment. At the very least, it’s free online, so we got that going for us.

Here are some of Elaine’s wonderful sketches so you can get a glimpse of all the wild and wonderful characters we are working on. I do hope you’ll come back every Friday for our adventures.

mad queen copy nemo eyes closed nemo head nemo heads nemo headss ZalimIMAG1932 IMAG1934 IMAG1935 IMAG1937 mad queen graceful copy Nemo spirit guide concept Nemo spirit guide

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2 Responses to Coming Soon! Nemo at Thirty

  1. says:

    This looks like it is going to be fantastic – I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with!

    • Popgun Chaos says:

      Thanks so much! We’ve got a lot of twisted ideas on the way. I hate to put such a pure and wonderful creation as Nemo through the ringer like this, but it’s something to think about:

      How does a life of disappointment affect the little dream master?

      It’s not just about Nemo though. It’s about grief and how we process pain. The loss of innocence. It’s about how we all used to be sweet, little innocent kids and how over the years, our mistakes build on one another and they can form us into broken people.

      But most of all, it’s about finding the strength to confront our mistakes and learn to forgive ourselves.

      Thanks for the kind words and I hope we don’t disappoint.


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