Thoughts about my son who is almost 2 years old.

We are two months away from my Duncan’s second birthday and I’ve had a lot on my mind about things that amaze me about him. So, I thought it would be best to take a few moments to write them down.

– I had a bad day at work. I was overwhelmed and depressed and I just lost it. I sat in my chair and the tears just flowed and flowed. Duncan walked over and began patting me on the shoulder and said, “Daddy! Cry! Daddy no cry!” He then looked around the house frantically for my wife and shouted, “Mama! Daddy cry!” Then I started crying more at how sweet this little boy is.

– He asked his first question the other day. A stray cat has been haunting our house and generally bothering our house cats. I threw a cup of water on the cat and it ran off. After a few moments, Duncan went to the window and asked, “Where kitty go?”

– Sitting outside at my grandma’s house, Duncan pointed to the house and said, “Bricks.” I’ve asked around and no one can figure out where he learned that word.

– Before becoming a parent, I never really understood the pacing for a child’s development. I guess I still don’t understand all of it because so many kids are different, but I am amazed that he can count to six, he knows all of his colors, he knows half of his alphabet, and almost all of his shapes.

– Duncan loves to read. Obviously, he can’t read yet, but he brings me books and demands that I sit down and read to him. He participates in the reading too with different sounds and words. His favorite books are The Shape of Me and Other Stuff by Dr. Seuss, Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak, Because I’m Your Dad by Ahmet Zappa, Goodnight Moon, all of the Superman and Batman board books we own, Chu’s Day by Neil Gaiman and Adam Rex, and an old Weekly Reader book of mine called Follow Me. Sometimes he will just sit and look through books on his own too. It makes me so unbelievably happy.

– Coloring is another big part of his life right now. He creates masterpieces at restaurants and at home, he lays down on the floor and colors beautiful and elaborate pictures. Of course, they don’t look like anything usually, but Sam drew a dinosaur one day and asked him to draw one as well and for a kid under 2, it looked kind of like a dinosaur. He is also starting to draw circles as well.

– All kids of all ages struggle with sharing and while my son isn’t always the best at it. We were at the library and he shared a tea set with a little girl.

I’m sure I’ll add more to this as I go, but these are just some immediate things I’ve been thinking about.

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